Thursday, October 14, 2021

Turmeric Honey by Riches Multi Services

Turmeric Honey is an infused honey is a Super healer which has our Sidr honey, Tulsi Honey, and Lakadong Turmeric (with curcumin level around 11%).
It is rich in anti-oxidants, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, and anti-inflammatory. Effective in Hyperthyroidism, Sinusitis, Flu, Dry and Wet Cough Suppressant, subsiding symptoms of chemotherapy. Strengthens the Immune System. It is effective in Skincare and wound healing. It is also very effective in easing digestive issues.
Have a look at the Benefits:
* Relieves sore throat, cough & flu symptoms.
* Helps lower blood pressure & cholesterol.
* Supports Digestive Health Issues.
* Powerful anti-inflammatory.
* Relief from Muscle & Joint aching.
* Works as an immunity booster.
* No more Depression / Stress.
* The best anti-aging natural supplement.
* Improves sex drive.
Usage: 1-2 tablespoon(s) of honey with warm water or milk 1-2 times a day or as directed by your healthcare. Get in touch with us at 9650240044 now.
Turmeric Honey by Riches Multi Services

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